CSDDD Overview

Workers in a line manually picking crops in a field

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D) is an EU directive currently working it’s way through the EU legislative process. It is a policy, aligned to the European Green Deal, designed to ensure large businesses operating within the EU apply consistent due diligence processes to their own operations and their value chain. The […]

European Green Deal: Introduction

Busy street in centre of German town

To meet its commitments made during the Paris Climate Agreement and to promote a more sustainable recover to the economy post-pandemic, the European Union have set our a comprehensive plan called the European Green Deal. The objective of the deal is to create a prosperous and sustainable economy for the bloc. There are significant impacts […]

CSDDD: A step forward

Looking into the EU debating chamber

The EU Parliament and Council recently reached an agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), a big step forward for the legislation. This is a landmark directive which will increase the level of due diligence corporates must implement to protect human rights and environmental adverse impacts. A summary of the main points: New […]


CSDDD is the EU directive which requires businesses operating within the market to have corporate due diligence across their entire value chain. It is currently going through the legislative process and is expected to be adopted in 2024 as a delegated act across the union. It’s a new legal instrument which will have significant impacts […]

CSRD: Cutting Through The Noise

We’ve been working with clients for a while now to help them prepare for CSRD. With over 50,000 businesses impacted and potentially thousands of pieces of information to report on, there’s a lot of anxiety building about the challenge of responding to such a comprehensive disclosure requirement. In part, that anxiety is being fuelled by […]

Photo by Sindre Fs

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